Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

World's Easiest Way to Get Rid of Stress

 If you're a human mammal, however, stress comes from something more insidious than a toothy predator: anxiety triggered by the passive-aggressive boss, the 30-year mortgage, and the job of caring for children as well as the ill parent.

Stress nags your pretty head at work and you wonder if yoga would help. Sure it would - practice yoga regularly, get the yoga mat, clear your head, find a noiseless corner, don't be in a full stomach… Blah blah blah boink! Reading this stressed you out? Worry not, here's a quick and easy stress-busting plan:

Relive what's good. When a friend asks you how you're doing, resist the temptation to download that awful commute; instead, try to recall something pleasant, like the great deal you just scored on a new dress. Recounting stressful events actually makes us—and our bodies—stressed. "When you share a positive memory instead, that can put the brakes on those damaging effects

Toying around
Why not keep a toy in your desk drawer? We aren't asking you to hoard teddy bears. A toy car, a yo-yo or a Rubik's cube can lower stress levels in a minute or two. You could also keep some crayons handy and doodle or draw when you are stressed.

Hugs help
Hugs can get you up. Don't worry too much about asking your colleague for a hug. Just make sure you are close enough to the colleague. Do not try this with your boss. Invite a friend over for lunch and greet her with a tight hug.

Savor the moment
Ever watch a child playing? They relish every bit of joy, completely losing themselves in the now. But as adults, we lose this ability. That pure, raw enjoyment.

Laughter therapy
Take a break with some colleagues and have a session of jokes. Laugh heartily and bid adieu to your worries.You can read jokes on the internet. Bookmark the pages so that you can go back to them when you need a dose of laughter again.

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