Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva

Sunday, September 15, 2013

How meditation reduces your anxiety

When it comes to anxiety, many people instinctively turn to medications seeking relief. Although these are ways to deal with anxiety, they are not the best. While some fully believe that medications are helpful and beneficial, most all agree that overuse of prescriptions can cause more harm than good.

Meditation is a more natural, effective way to combat anxiety. Freeing the mind can make our bodies and minds let go of the sensation of danger and stress, and convince them that we are safe and at rest. It is important to convince ourselves that we are safe when we suffer anxiety because, often, anxiety is our overreaction to stress, or the memory or anticipation of some dangerous or stressful situation.

When our minds remember or anticipate stress, they release hormones that cause our chests to tighten, our stomachs to get the butterfly-sensation, and our heart rates to increase. In other words, anxiety is a habitual response to being too overworked, tired, and even to having a poor diet. To overcome anxiety we have to teach our bodies to relax by bringing our minds to the present, and by taking ourselves to a safe, serene mental state.

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