Each day allocate a time, half an hour or one hour, to relax. Make sure wherever you are that you are able to continuously follow your thoughts. It is all right to sit on a comfortable sofa and sip a glass of fruit juice. But do not watch TV, read a book, listen to the radio, or chat with other people. For a beginner, perhaps ten or fifteen minutes is the appropriate period. Try to sustain positive thoughts, examine the mind to be sure that it is not tainted with any sorrow or unpleasantness and refrain from passing judgment on other people or things. This is what we call right and beneficial thinking.
If our thoughts turn to sensual pleasure (kamaguna), keep it within decent boundaries. It is acceptable to think about ordinary unpolluted actions — for example, the desire to eat, sing, or go places. But impure thinking should be resisted absolutely.
Thinking is mental karma. It is a cause that brings about a result. You are like a farmer — you will get what you plant. So if your thought is good, so too is the result. A drop of water seems trivial and without might. But continuous drops of water can fill a big jar or even erode a rock. Similarly, unrelenting thoughts can be very powerful too.
Negative thinking contaminates our mind and sends out negative force. Positive thinking, on the contrary, is beneficial to our physical and mental health, makes us happy, emits positive energy and brings harmony and peace to our society and nation as a whole.
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