Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva

Thursday, September 26, 2013

कर्म की महानता

एक बार बुद्ध एक गांव में अपने किसान भक्त के यहां गए। शाम को किसान ने उनके प्रवचन का आयोजन किया। बुद्ध का प्रवचन सुनने के लिए गांव के सभी लोग उपस्थित थे, लेकिन वह भक्त ही कहीं दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था। गांव के लोगों में कानाफूसी होने लगी कि कैसा भक्त है कि प्रवचन का आयोजन करके स्वयं गायब हो गया। प्रवचन खत्म होने के बाद सब लोग घर चले गए। रात में किसान घर लौटा। बुद्ध ने पूछा, कहां चले गए थे? गांव के सभी लोग तुम्हें पूछ रहे थे।

किसान ने कहा, दरअसल प्रवचन की सारी व्यवस्था हो गई थी, पर तभी अचानक मेरा बैल बीमार हो गया। पहले तो मैंने घरेलू उपचार करके उसे ठीक करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन जब उसकी तबीयत ज्यादा खराब होने लगी तो मुझे उसे लेकर पशु चिकित्सक के पास जाना पड़ा। अगर नहीं ले जाता तो वह नहीं बचता। आपका प्रवचन तो मैं बाद में भी सुन लूंगा। अगले दिन सुबह जब गांव वाले पुन: बुद्ध के पास आए तो उन्होंने किसान की शिकायत करते हुए कहा, यह तो आपका भक्त होने का दिखावा करता है। प्रवचन का आयोजन कर स्वयं ही गायब हो जाता है।

बुद्ध ने उन्हें पूरी घटना सुनाई और फिर समझाया, उसने प्रवचन सुनने की जगह कर्म को महत्व देकर यह सिद्ध कर दिया कि मेरी शिक्षा को उसने बिल्कुल ठीक ढंग से समझा है। उसे अब मेरे प्रवचन की आवश्यकता नहीं है। मैं यही तो समझाता हूं कि अपने विवेक और बुद्धि से सोचो कि कौन सा काम पहले किया जाना जरूरी है। यदि किसान बीमार बैल को छोड़ कर मेरा प्रवचन सुनने को प्राथमिकता देता तो दवा के बगैर बैल के प्राण निकल जाते। उसके बाद तो मेरा प्रवचन देना ही व्यर्थ हो जाता। मेरे प्रवचन का सार यही है कि सब कुछ त्यागकर प्राणी मात्र की रक्षा करो। इस घटना के माध्यम से गांव वालों ने भी उनके प्रवचन का भाव समझ लिया।

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Shiva and Vishnu Healing the Planet

Shiva and Vishnu Healing the Planet

“There is a temple in Sankaranarayanar Koil in the Tirunelveli district (Tamilnadu), where the idol has one half of it depicted as Siva and the other half as Vishnu. The inner significance of this is that Lord Siva and Lord Vishnu are one. Sri Sankaracharya also has said in very clear terms that Siva and Vishnu are the one all-pervading Soul.

On one occasion, a Virasaivite entered the temple in Sankaranarayanar Koil to worship the Lord. He offered incense. He plugged the nostrils of Vishnu with the cotton as the fumes were entering His nose also. After that a Vira Vaishnavite entered the temple and he also offered incense. He plugged the nostrils of Siva as the fumes were entering His nose also. Such is the bigotry and narrow-mindedness of sectarians. A devotee should have a large, broad heart. He must see his tutelary deity in all aspects of the Lord and in all forms. He can have intense love for his Ishtam in the beginning, to intensify his devotion for that particular deity (Prema-nishtha), but he should have equal devotion to the other forms of the Lord also.

Siva and Vishnu are one and the same entity. They are essentially one and the same. They are the names given to the different aspects of the all-pervading Supreme Soul or the Absolute. ‘Sivasya hridayam vishnur-vishnoscha hridayam sivah—Vishnu is the heart of Siva and likewise Siva is the heart of Vishnu’.

The sectarian worship is of recent origin. The Saiva Siddhanta of Kantacharya is only five hundred years old. The Vaishnava cults of Madhva and Sri Ramanuja are only six hundred and seven hundred years old respectively. There was no sectarian worship before seven hundred years.

Brahma represents the creative aspect; Vishnu, the preservative aspect; and Siva, the destructive aspect of Paramatman. This is just like your wearing different garbs on different occasions. When you do the function of a judge, you put on one kind of dress. At home you wear another kind of dress. When you do worship in the temple, you wear another kind of dress. You exhibit different kinds of temperament on different occasions. Even so, the Lord does the function of creation when He is associated with Rajas, and He is called Brahma. He preserves the world when He is associated with Sattva Guna, and He is called Vishnu. He destroys the world when He is associated with Tamo-Guna, and He is called Siva or Rudra.

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva have been correlated to the three Avasthas or states of consciousness. During the waking state, Sattva predominates. During the dream state Rajas predominates and during the deep sleep state Tamas predominates. Hence Vishnu, Brahma and Siva are the Murtis of Jagrat, Svapna and Sushupti states of consciousness respectively. The Turiya or the fourth state is Para Brahman. The Turiya state is immediately next to the deep sleep state. Worship of Siva will lead quickly to the attainment of the fourth state.

Vishnu Purana glorifies Vishnu and in some places gives a lower position to Siva. Siva Purana glorifies Siva and gives a lower status to Vishnu. Devi Bhagavata glorifies Devi and gives a lower status to Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. This is only to instil and intensify devotion for the respective deity in the hearts of the devotees. In reality, no deity is superior to another. You must understand the heart of the writer.

May you all realize the oneness of Siva and Vishnu! May you all be endowed with pure subtle intellect and proper understanding!”


सृष्टी के निर्माण के हेतु शिव ने अपनी शक्ति को स्वयं से पृथक किया| शिव स्वयं पुरूष लिंग के द्योतक हैं तथा उनकी शक्ति स्त्री लिंग की द्योतक| पुरुष (शिव) एवं स्त्री (शक्ति) का एका होने के कारण शिव नर भी हैं और नारी भी, अतः वे अर्धनरनारीश्वर हैं|
जब ब्रह्मा ने सृजन का कार्य आरंभ किया तब उन्होंने पाया कि उनकी रचनायं अपने जीवनोपरांत नष्ट हो जायंगी तथा हर बार उन्हें नए सिरे से सृजन करना होगा। गहन विचार के उपरांत भी वो किसी भी निर्णय पर नहीं पहुँच पाय। तब अपने समस्या के सामाधान के हेतु वो शिव की शरण में पहुँचे। उन्होंने शिव को प्रसन्न करने हेतु कठोर तप किया। ब्रह्मा की कठोर तप से शिव प्रसन्न हुए। ब्रह्मा के समस्या के सामाधान हेतु शिव अर्धनारीश्वर स्वरूप में प्रगट हुए। अर्ध भाग में वे शिव थे तथा अर्ध में शिवा। अपने इस स्वरूप से शिव ने ब्रह्मा को प्रजन्नशिल प्राणी के सृजन की प्रेरणा प्रदान की। साथ ही साथ उन्होंने पुरूष एवं स्त्री के सामान महत्व का भी उपदेश दिया। इसके बाद अर्धनारीश्वर भगवान अंतर्धयान हो गए।
शक्ति शिव की अभिभाज्य अंग हैं। शिव नर के द्योतक हैं तो शक्ति नारी की। वे एक दुसरे के पुरक हैं। शिव के बिना शक्ति का अथवा शक्ति के बिना शिव का कोई अस्तित्व ही नहीं है। शिव अकर्ता हैं। वो संकल्प मात्र करते हैं; शक्ति संकल्प सिद्धी करती हैं। तो फिर क्या हैं शिव और शक्ति?

शिव कारण हैं; शक्ति कारक।
शिव संकल्प करते हैं; शक्ति संकल्प सिद्धी।
शक्ति जागृत अवस्था हैं; शिव सुशुप्तावस्था।
शक्ति मस्तिष्क हैं; शिव हृदय।
शिव ब्रह्मा हैं; शक्ति सरस्वती।
शिव विष्णु हैं; शक्त्ति लक्ष्मी।
शिव महादेव हैं; शक्ति पार्वती।
शिव रुद्र हैं; शक्ति महाकाली।
शिव सागर के जल सामन हैं। शक्ति सागर की लहर हैं।
आइये हम समझने की कोशिश करते हैं। शिव सागर के जल के सामान हैं तथा शक्ति लहरे के सामान हैं। लहर क्या है? जल का वेग। जल के बिना लहर का क्या अस्तित्व है? और वेग बिना सागर अथवा उसके जल का? यही है शिव एवं उनकी शक्ति का संबंध। आएं तथा प्रार्थना करें शिव-शक्ति के इस अर्धनारीश्वर स्वरूप का इस अर्धनारीश्वर स्तोत्र द्वारा

Monday, September 23, 2013

हमें भगवान् के द्वारा फैंके हुए पत्थर का इन्तजार ही नहीं करना पड़ेगा

एक दिन किसी निर्माण के दौरान भवन की छटी मंजिल से
सुपर वाईजर ने नीचे कार्य करने वाले मजदूर को आवाज
निर्माण कार्य की तेज आवाज के कारण नीचे काम करने
वाला मजदूर कुछ समझ नहीं सका की उसका सुपरवाईजर
उसे आवाज दे रहा है.
सुपरवाईजर ने उसका ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिए एक
१० रु का नोट नीचे फैंका, जो ठीक मजदूर के सामने
जा कर गिरा
मजदूर ने नोट उठाया और अपनी जेब मे रख लिया, और
फिर अपने काम मे लग गया .
अब उसका ध्यान खींचने के लिए सुपर वाईजर ने पुन:
एक ५०० रु का नोट नीचे फैंका .
उस मजदूर ने फिर वही किया और नोट जेब मे रख कर
अपने काम मे लग गया .
ये देख अब सुपर वाईजरने एक छोटा सा पत्थर
का टुकड़ा लिया और मजदूर के उपर
फैंका जो सीधा मजदूर के सिर पर लगा. अब मजदूर ने
ऊपर देखा और उसकी सुपर वाईजर से बात चालू
हो गयी.
ये वैसा ही है जो हमारी जिन्दगी मे होता है.....
भगवान् हमसे संपर्क करना ,मिलना चाहता है, लेकिन हम
दुनियादारी के कामो मे व्यस्त रहते है, अत: भगवान्
को याद नहीं करते.
भगवान् हमें छोटी छोटी खुशियों के रूप मे उपहार
देता रहता है, लेकिन हम उसे याद नहीं करते, और
वो खुशियां और उपहार कहाँ से आये ये ना देखते
हुए,उनका उपयोग कर लेते है, और भगवान् को याद
नहीं करते.
भगवान् हमें और भी खुशियों रूपी उपहार भेजता है, लेकिन
उसे भी हम हमारा भाग्य समझ कर रख लेते है, भगवान्
का धन्यवाद नहीं करते ,उसे भूल जाते है.
तब भगवान् हम पर एक छोटा सा पत्थर फैंकते है , जिसे
हम कठिनाई कहते है, और तुरंत उसके निराकरण के लिए
भगवान् की और देखते है,याद करते है.
यही जिन्दगी मे हो रहा है.
यदि हम हमारी छोटी से छोटी ख़ुशी भी भगवान् के साथ
उसका धन्यवाद देते हुए बाँटें, तो हमें भगवान् के
द्वारा फैंके हुए पत्थर का इन्तजार
ही नहीं करना पड़ेगा...!!!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

चाणक्य के 15 अमर वाक्य

1 दूसरों की गलतियों से सीखो अपने ही ऊपर प्रयोग करके सीखने को तुम्हारी आयु कम पड़ेगी।
2 किसी भी व्यक्ति को बहुत ईमानदार नहीं होना चाहिए। सीधे वृक्ष और व्यक्ति पहले काटे जाते हैं।
3 अगर कोई सर्प जहरीला नहीं है तब भी उसे जहरीला दिखना चाहिए वैसे दंश भले ही न दो पर दंश दे सकने की क्षमता का दूसरों को अहसास करवाते रहना चाहिए।
4 हर मित्रता के पीछे कोई स्वार्थ जरूर होता है, यह कड़वा सच है।
5 कोई भी काम शुरू करने के पहले तीन सवाल अपने आपसे पूछो ---मैं ऐसा क्यों करने जा रहा हूँ ? इसका क्या परिणाम होगा ? क्या मैं सफल रहूँगा?
6 भय को नजदीक न आने दो अगर यह नजदीक आये इस पर हमला कर दो यानी भय से भागो मत इसका सामना करो।
7 दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी ताकत पुरुष का विवेक और महिला की सुन्दरता है।
8 काम का निष्पादन करो, परिणाम से मत डरो।
9 सुगंध का प्रसार हवा के रुख का मोहताज़ होता है पर अच्छाई सभी दिशाओं में फैलती है।"
10 ईश्वर चित्र में नहीं चरित्र में बसता है अपनी आत्मा को मंदिर बनाओ।
11 व्यक्ति अपने आचरण से महान होता है जन्म से नहीं।
12 ऐसे व्यक्ति जो आपके स्तर से ऊपर या नीचे के हैं उन्हें दोस्त न बनाओ,वह तुम्हारे कष्ट का कारण बनेगे। समान स्तर के मित्र ही सुखदायक होते हैं।
13 अपने बच्चों को पहले पांच साल तक खूब प्यार करो। छः साल से पंद्रह साल तक कठोर अनुशासन और संस्कार दो। सोलह साल से उनके साथ मित्रवत व्यवहार करो। आपकी संतति ही आपकी सबसे अच्छी मित्र है।"
14 अज्ञानी के लिए किताबें और अंधे के लिए दर्पण एक समान उपयोगी है।
15 शिक्षा सबसे अच्छी मित्र है। शिक्षित व्यक्ति सदैव सम्मान पाता है। शिक्षा की शक्ति के आगे युवा शक्ति और सौंदर्य दोनों ही कमजोर हैं


Lakho ashwadmedh ho so ganga asnaan

Inse uttam hai kahi shiv charnoo ka dhyaan

Alakh niranjan nathse upje aatma gyaan

Bhatke ko rastaa mile mushkil ho aasaan

Amar guno ki khan hai chit shudhi shiv dhyan

Sat sangati mein baithke karlo praschyaataap

Lingeshwar ke mananse sidh ho jaate kaaj

Namo shivaiye ratata jaa shiv rakhenge laaj

Om Nama om Shivaya


इस धरती पर करोड़ों- अरबों लोग हैं | प्रार्थना स्थलों की कोई कमी नहीं है | प्रार्थना -पूजा भी खूब चल रही है , अर्चना की धूप और पूजा के दीये भी खूब जल रहे हैं | बाहार के मंदिरों में तो खूब पूजा हो रही है पर भीतर के मंदिर में पूजा का कोई स्वर नहीं है | परमात्मा का घर कोई पत्थर-मिटटी का बना मंदिर नहीं हो सकता वरन परम चैतन्य का मंदिर ही उसका घर है | उसका घर या मंदिर मनुष्य के बनाये नहीं बनता क्योंकि बनाने वाले से बनाई गई चीज़ कभी बड़ी नहीं हो सकती | कविता कितनी ही सुन्दर हो , कवि से बड़ी थोड़े ही हो पायेगी | संगीत कितना ही मधुर हो, संगीतज्ञ से तो बड़ा न हो सकेगा | बनाने वाला तो ऊपर ही रहेगा क्योंकि बनाने वाले की संभावनाएं अभी शेष हैं, वह इससे भी श्रेष्ठ बना सकता है | संगीतज्ञ और मधुर संगीत रच सकता है, कवी और सुन्दर कविता का सृजन कर सकता है | मनुष्य के बनाये मंदिर मनुष्य से बड़े नहीं है | नहीं, अगर परमात्मा को खोजना है तो मनुष्य को वह मंदिर खोजना होगा जो स्वयं परमात्मा ने ही बनाया है, जो उसका ही घर है और वह घर स्वयं मनुष्य ही है | करोड़ों में कोई एकाध परमात्मा के घर यानी अपने भीतर की तरफ मुड़ता है | करोड़ों में कोई एकाध ही इस राज को समझ पता है कि जिसे मैं बाहार खोज रहा हूँ वह मेरे भीतर है | परमात्मा खोजते तो सभी हैं फिर पाते क्यों नहीं ? कहाँ अवरोध है ? काम, क्रोध और लोभ - इन तीनों के कारण ही हरिपद को पहचानना मुस्किल हो जाता है | जो काम, क्रोध और लोभ की विवर्जना कर देता है, जो इन तीनों के पार हो जाता है, वाही केवल हरिपद को पहचान पाता है | काम यानी कामना पूरी न हो तो क्रोध उत्पन्न होता है और अगर पूरी हो जाये तो लोभ उत्पन्न होता है | काम यानी कामना यानी भविष्य और लोभ यानी अतीत यानी जो प्राप्त कर लिया वह कहीं खो न जाये | इन दोनों के बीच वर्तमान का जो एक क्षण है वाही परमात्मा के मंदिर का द्वार है | वर्तमान में अवस्थित होते ही ह्रदय के अंतरतम में जो हरी के पद हैं, परमात्मा के जो चरण कमल हैं वे पा लिए जाते हैं और एक बार परमात्मा के चरण तक हाथ पहुँच जाये तो फिर परमात्मा ज्यादा दूर नहीं रह जाता |


1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE.
It is the ultimate antidepressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God’s
guidance for your purpose, today.
4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food
that is manufactured in plants.
5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.
6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
7. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past,
negative thoughts or things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a
college kid with a maxed out charge card.
9. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for
everything !
11. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
12. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
13. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
14. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what
their journey is all about.
15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years,
will this matter?’
17. Help the needy, Be generous ! Be a ‘Giver’ not a ‘Taker’
18. What other people think of you is none of your business.
19. Time heals everything.
20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
21. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your
friends will. Stay in touch.
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
23. Each night before you go to bed ,Pray to God and Be thankful
for what you’ll accomplish, today !
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
25.Share this to everyone on your list to help them lead a happier

Reserving One Hour Daily For Right Thinking

Each day allocate a time, half an hour or one hour, to relax. Make sure wherever you are that you are able to continuously follow your thoughts. It is all right to sit on a comfortable sofa and sip a glass of fruit juice. But do not watch TV, read a book, listen to the radio, or chat with other people. For a beginner, perhaps ten or fifteen minutes is the appropriate period. Try to sustain positive thoughts, examine the mind to be sure that it is not tainted with any sorrow or unpleasantness and refrain from passing judgment on other people or things. This is what we call right and beneficial thinking.

If our thoughts turn to sensual pleasure (kamaguna), keep it within decent boundaries. It is acceptable to think about ordinary unpolluted actions — for example, the desire to eat, sing, or go places. But impure thinking should be resisted absolutely.

Thinking is mental karma. It is a cause that brings about a result. You are like a farmer — you will get what you plant. So if your thought is good, so too is the result. A drop of water seems trivial and without might. But continuous drops of water can fill a big jar or even erode a rock. Similarly, unrelenting thoughts can be very powerful too.

Negative thinking contaminates our mind and sends out negative force. Positive thinking, on the contrary, is beneficial to our physical and mental health, makes us happy, emits positive energy and brings harmony and peace to our society and nation as a whole.

Adding At Least one Good Deed Daily

Adding At Least one Good Deed Daily

Be vigilant as to how you can do something good. It does not matter if it only means extending a small help to others or whether any person is witness to your action or not. Whenever we create good actions, goodness arises in the mind. So the intention to do good is in itself already a positive force to improve your mind, regardless of Whether or not we actually commit that deed. It also helps in building a peaceful and harmonious society. We can carry out generosity (dana) by offering the following:

01. money and assets
02. a kind and caring look
03. a smile
04. kind Words
05. physical assistance to others
06. rejoicing (anumodana) in others’ good deeds
07. a place to sit
08. a comfortable accommodation
09. forgiveness
10. dhamma

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Developing Mindfulness Of The Breathing At Least 20 Minutes Is Cultivation

We normally shower each day to clean ourselves, and without it we feel uncomfortable. Our mind, too, needs regular cleansing as it encounters many emotions daily. This can be done by keeping a habit of practicing the cultivation of loving-kindness (metta bhavana) for 20 minutes per session,one to three times every day.

Concentrate your awareness on the deep in-breath and long out-breath. Keep mindfulness and clear comprehension fixed on the breaths. Pay no attention to the past, leave the future alone and just be one with the present moment. Let go of all determined conditions (sammutti), such as being a man, woman, father, mother, child or adult. We even have to let go of ourselves, our body, feeling, thoughts and all perceptions. Our mind is all powerful; what we think becomes reality. A goal you set your mind on will materialize. Therefore, if you want happiness now, you have the ability to attain it.

Think of a pure and brilliant mind and it will arise. Think about joy (pin) and happiness (sukha) and they will arise. Take a deep in-breath and long out-breath. Once the mind is concentrated, you will experience joy and happiness, the target you set your mind on.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Long Breaths Are First-Aid For The Mind

The true nature of our mind is pure and joyful. But desirable Worldly conditions (possession, status, praise, happiness) and adversities (loss of possession or status, criticism, suffering) influence the mind, resulting in it being happy or sad. Pleasure, displeasure, laziness, jealousy, fear and anger are all symptoms of sickness of the mind.

Whenever grief arises, we should realize that this feeling is not ourselves and not ours because the true nature of our mind is pure.

When anguish appears, heal it with deep inhalation and long exhalation.Pleasure and displeasure cannot linger in a mind that is alive with mindfulness and clear comprehension, with full and complete awareness of the long in-breath and out-breath. This is a method to sustain a healthy state of mind. It is first aid for our mind.

Aghori- Myths and Reality

Most common perceptions about Aghora and Aghori are— *Aghories are supposed to Be One of The Most Dangerous Saints In Indian Mythology. They Never Wear Any Clothes And Don’t Come Out Generally In Day Time. They eat Human Dead Bodies and Drink wine, involve in sex. Do terrific acts, Eat Water and Food in Human Skull. They Don’t Speak To Anyone, etc.*.

Is this true? No, not at all! This is totally wrong perceptions / investigation about Aghora . This type of wrong / incorrect information always created confusion and wrong impression among common people’s mind.

After visiting many places and studying many books (Particularly of Vishwanath Prasad Singh Ashthana alias V.P.S. Ashthana- Who Spent his 60 years with top Aghori Saints and the Writer of many books on Aghor, which content, probably, the most authentic written material on Aghor, across world ), I would like to clear (with my 15 years diligent research and study) that --
Aghora OR Aghori is not concerned with particular kind of Religion OR dress code OR eating code. Most of the Research scholars say that—Aghora is related with Hindu religion, but it is not true. Aghora is symbolically represented by Lord Shiva, because it is believed that –*The Lord Shiva is the Creator & Destructor of this whole universe*. Apart from -Cremation ground is symbolic representation because of **It always represents the last truth/Destination of a life**. According to devotees and scholars - “ Great Saint, Baba Keenaram (1601-1770) is the Father of modified form of ancient Aghora tradition. The World fame Place BABA KEENARAM STHAL- KRIM KUND, Varanasi -U.P., INDIA, is the Pilgrim and Headquarter/center of Aghora tradition, across world. You can visit this place and can check that there is no dress-code or eating habits visible (as we hear/see/read in TV, Internet, and Magazines etc.).

According to World fame Saint , Aghoreshwer Bhagwan Ram alias Avadhoot Bhagwan Ram popularly known as Sarkar Baba (1937-1992) — **Most of so-called, self-made Saints having human skulls, eating daed human flesh , drinking wine and showing magic (Like magicians) are not Aghories. They are just diverted follower **. He has described that **A true Aghori never show His/her spiritual power openly, but uses it very secretly towards human welfare in a very simple and hidden manner**. Bhagwan Ram also said that **Aghori is not the name of danger but the name of purification and having the nature of most kind human being with all powers of this Universe**. Aghoreswer Bhagwan Ram preceded that **A true Aghori always concerned with social cause and devote Himself/herself towards social welfare**. Aghoreshwer Bhagwan Ram, himself , always devoted towards many social services like- Treatment of leprosy patient, conduct marriages without dowry, Manufacturing of Ayurveda medicine, Fought against alcoholism, Give messages towards Nation building program me and aware all kinds of social evil.
Aghori is not found everywhere but once in billions. An Aghori having all powers of this whole universe (Regarding creation or destruction). He or She is the supreme authority of this whole universe.

Today Supreme authority/Chief of Aghora, across world, is 39 Years old Baba Siddharth Gautam Ram (present Chief / Abbot, since 1978, of Baba Keenaram Sthal , Krim-Kund and main disciple of Aghoreshwer Bhagwan Ram ) . According to devotees and scholars -*Baba Siddharth Gautam Ram is reincarnation of Baba Keenaram himself *. Like his GURU Aghoreshwer Bhagwan Ram, Baba Siddhartha Gautam Ram is actively involved in different kind of social work such as – Education in rural areas , Aaurved Medicine, and Marriage without dowry, Literature, Nation building and Anti-alcohol campaign etc.

there is a large difference between a Tantrik & Aghori. Tantra may be a branch of Aghora. Tanriks found everywhere while Aghori is once in billion. There are many people, who are self-made Aghori. But it is totally wrong and misguiding claim made by these so-called persons. Common people think -Tantra is Aghora and Aghora is Tantra, that is totally wrong perception. Common people must think that - If you will eat dead human flesh, Roaming in cremation ground, drink wine and doing something disgusting, making miraculous claim, showing magics - It does not mean that you are an aghori. It is not the qualification of a true Aghori.

To get the actual information, abour Aghori/Aghori, Readers/Listeners/Writers must visit, Aghor'a world fame Headquarter at Varanasi- Baba Keenaram Sthal, Krim-Kund. Your visit, to this place, will provide you, a lot of facts about this (Aghora) tradition.

There is a lot of things about Aghori . In further future, I will write upon a lot but till now, I only can say that - Sensational presentation of any subject can collect/attract a lot of audience or rating points but cannot be a part of truth. After all-----------

Aghora is the highest stage of spirituality and only once in a billion can achieve this stage.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Aghori Pathway to God

An Aghori holy man sits vigil on a hill overlooking the Ganges River.  

A disciple of a reclusive Hindu sect known for consuming human flesh, he waits patiently for a corpse to appear in the river.  Like all members of this pious, mystical order, he believes that consuming the remains of the dead will guarantee him immortality—liberation (moksha) from the material world.  He believes it is a direct pathway to God.
After centuries in virtual seclusion, only occasionally glimpsed wandering naked through the Indian countryside, members of the highly secretive Aghori spiritual sect are being seen with greater frequency in sacred cities like Varanasi. Though long considered pariah for such common behaviors as eating meat and drinking liquor, which most traditional Hindus denounce, it is their continued practice of eating human flesh that has earned them the status among modern Hindus of less-than-human—nothing more than primitive scavengers to be loathed.  And though they trace their beliefs to a thousand-year-old cult known as the Gorakpunt Fakirs, the Aghori are not even accepted as true Hindus.
From the Western perspective, Hinduism is best understood as a family of related beliefs forming a common system of principles and practices. Like many belief systems around the world, these beliefs focus largely on death and the afterlife.  But unlike many, Hindus believe that life is simply a transition among previous, present and future existences, and that after the physical body expires the soul can take a number of different pathways, all dependent on the practice of certain rituals, honorable acts, prayer and meditation over many lifetimes. The Aghori, however, believe that eating the dead allows them to skip the tediousness of repeated lifetimes of ritual acts and responsibilities— perhaps because in doing so they take advantage of someone else’s having done so—and jump right on a direct pathway to God in a single lifetime.

Increased Sightings
In early 2005, Indian and British news agencies began reporting an increase in Aghori sightings in major cities along the Ganges. Their unprecedented appearance within mainstream Indian society prompted documentary filmmaker Sandeep Singh to attempt contact with the sect, hoping to persuade them to be interviewed and filmed. After three months of rejection, Singh finally convinced an Aghori sadhu to allow him and three cameramen to share vigil as he waited for an available corpse to float into view. Ten days later, a body was spotted floating in the Ganges and promptly retrieved. The cannibalistic ritual that followed resulted in an extraordinary 10-minute ethnographic documentary titled Feeding on the Dead.
Singh described the scene: “The body was decomposed and bluish in color, but the sadhu was not afraid of falling sick. He sat on the corpse, prayed to a goddess of crematoriums, and offered flesh to the goddess before eating it. [He] explained that eating the flesh would stop him from aging and give him supernatural powers, like the ability to levitate and control the weather.  [He] then explained that each ritual takes him one step closer to oneness with The Brahma (God).”

Anthropologists believe cannibalism has been part of human behavior since long before recorded history. Oral traditions and world literature are rife with fascinating accounts of headhunting cannibals of the African jungles, heart-devouring tribes of the Amazonian rainforest, and flesh-eating witches of the U. S. Southwest. Even in our ostensibly civilized society, eating of “the body” survives in the Christian church, in the form of communion wafers and wine that are said to be transubstantiated into the body and blood of Christ through the Eucharist ceremony. Cannibalism is, in fact, deeply embedded in the romantic lore of mankind’s “culture“—tied to mythology, religion, ritual, magic, vampirism and even heroism.
Some suggest that cannibalism ritualizes the innate human desire to gain control over death—to get the better of it—and ultimately, triumph over it. Others say it’s a viable strategy to acquire the dead individual’s charisma,  mana or life energy. But no matter the reason or cultural setting, man has long equated the dead with the realm of the supernatural—the realm of the gods.

While the “civilizing” of the world has resulted in many cultures abandoning timeless principles and practices (including cannibalism), present-day Hindu society reflects a blend of both ancient and modern ideals—mystical as well as practical. And like most religious systems practiced today, Hindu doctrinal adherence varies from the moderately devout to the dramatically zealous. Hindu ascetics see themselves as followers of the one and only true path to God—adherents of a worldview ascribed to timeless tradition; while the Aghori see themselves as spiritual icons in juxtaposition to encroaching modernity—the ageless societal threat to spiritual purity. Modern sensibilities may deem cannibalism far removed from a spiritual life, but who really knows whether or not the Aghori practice achieves exactly what they claim—a mystical path directly to God?

हर राह मे............

हर राह मे गुजरते हुए देखते मै रह गया ,
हर बाग मे जो फूल थे उनने क्या क्या सेह लिया ,
कांटो का भी आलम कम ना था वो भी आगे बढ गया ,
वो मंजर था ही इतना भयानक हर कोइ उससे डर गया ,
हर कोइ दर्द मे है पर जान के भी क्या करो ,
उसके बिना जीना लगे मानो खुद्खुसी करके मरो,
ये केमिकल है दोस्तो इससे कितना बचोगे ,
बचने के चक्कर मे भी जा के फिर इसी मे फसोगे,
कर रहा चित्कार कोइ बन्द करो ये अत्याचार ,
बन्द करके क्या मिलेगा बढ रहा जो अपरम्पार ,
मै देखता हु जब भविष्य की वादियो के मंजर ,
है चेहरे सभी के रुखे से जमीने है बंजर ,
क्या इसका कोइ हल होगा ,क्या गंगा का पानी फिर "जल"होगा ,
कया मिलेगा कोइ विकल्प ,जो नर्मदा का कर दे फिर काया कल्प ,
जिसके दामन से ये हमने सारी जन्नत पायी है ,,
उसी दामन मे ऎसिड से ये कैसे आग लगाइ है ,
मै सोचता हु ऐसे ही चलता रहा तो जीवन कि परिकल्प्ना का क्या होगा ,
बडी मसक्कत करने के बाद सोचा ,,,इन जेब भरु नेताओ के राज मै
वही होगा जो होगा
Sandeep Kumar Patel
Lecturer IES IPS Academy Indore

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is the religion of the Hindus. It is the oldest of all living religions. Hinduism is not a man-made religion. It was not founded by any single person. It is not based on a set of dogmas preached by a particular set of teachers. It was not started as a system, like Islam or Christianity. It is the product of the seers of the Vedas. It was developed from age to age by the teachings of Avataras, Rishis, Vedas, the Upanishads, the Gita and the Itihasas. It will exist as long as the world lasts. There is a peculiar, mysterious spiritual force that is ingrained in the heart of every Hindu.
Hinduism is also known by the names Sanatana Dharma and Vaidika Dharma. Sanatana Dharma means eternal religion, the Ancient Law. Vaidika Dharma means the religion of the Vedas. The Vedas are the foundational scriptures of Hinduism.

A Religion of Freedom

Hinduism allows absolute freedom to the rational mind of man. Hinduism never demands any undue restraint upon the freedom of human reason, the freedom of thought, feeling and will of man.
Hinduism is a religion of freedom. It allows the widest freedom in matters of faith and worship. It allows absolute freedom to the human reason and heart with regard to questions such as the nature of God, soul, creation, form of worship, and goal of life. It does not force anybody to accept particular dogmas or forms of worship. It allows everybody to reflect, investigate, enquire and cogitate. Hence, all sorts of religious faiths, various forms of worship or Sadhana, diverse kinds of rituals and customs, have found their honorable place side by side within Hinduism, and are cultured and developed in harmonious relationship with one another.
Hinduism, unlike other religions, does not dogmatically assert that the final emancipation is possible only through its means and not through any other. It is only a means to an end, and all means which will ultimately lead to the end are equally approved.

What is Sanatan Dharma? Why it is very first religion in this universe?.

Sanatan mean "nitya", anadi and "shaswat". I understand your confusion about word Dharma or religion. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity are all commnuities i.e. communal not religion or Dharma. Dharma is something without which life is not possible to live like humans. From very basic things like eating right thing, sitting correctly to breathing correctly and at the highest level finding the ultimate truth and be one with the one is Sanatan Dharma.

Having defined nature of Sanatan Dharma, it has obvious supremacy over other communities which people don't like because people are stuck in their "own wells" and cant understand there is an ocean. What they fail to understand is that even when they belong to different communities, they can still adapt Sanatan Dharma, for example if a Sikh had to adopt Sanatan dharma he would just need to change his eating sleeping habbits adopt non violence and most importantly start meditation he will be following Sanatan Dharma. Sanatan Dharma involves lot of other things like Doing Yajna which are pretty much optional for example poor people can not afford it. Regarding Deities, Sanatan Dharma has one supreme, param pita parmeshwar which is beyond "nirgun/sagun" nirakar/sakar so you are free to devote your self to any form or no form of God and search him within you.

Most importantly people don't accept Sanatan dharma because they read too much. People should think logically and than they will always find the anwer.

How Is Kundalini Yoga Different From Normal Chakra Meditation

Yoga follows the principle that the body has several focal points of energy. These points are known as chakras, and run on a linear pathway, from the base of the spine to the crown of one’s ear. Through chakra meditation the dormant energy stored along the chakras can be channelize, which in turn leads the body and mind to a higher path.

The practice of Kundalini yoga is often referred to as a “psycho-spiritual” meditative discipline. It taps the dormant energies in the body and brings this vital life force, known as Kundalini energy, to the fore. It channelizes this energy to induce a spiritual state of bliss and awakening. Through the practice of Kundalini yoga you can access and open the chakras as well as strengthen them further, ensuring a free-flow of pure energy through the body.

Kundalini yoga is often referred to as “Yoga of Awakening.” It is an ancient practice, and is classified as one of the oldest forms of yoga. Kundalini yoga is spiritual in orientation and differs greatly in comparison to the more popular and oft practiced forms of yoga. It has multiple facets to it and doesn’t focus solely of the balance of the mind and body, but also facilitates a spiritual awakening.
Kundalini yoga incorporates postures, breathing, hand, and finger movements, meditation, and chanting within the routine. The exercises are dynamic and rhythmic, and stimulate individual and spiritual growth along with creating a healthy and balanced body and mind. Thus, although Kundalini yoga is akin to Chakra meditation, it combines yogic techniques with Chakra meditation to boost the spiritual benefits.
Kundalini yoga has many benefits: on the physical side of things, this form of yoga ensures a healthy and strong body; it boosts the nervous and glandular systems; it strengthens the body’s immunity; it helps boost lung capacity and also improves breathing; and it helps the body fight off addictions.
Kundalini yoga is a great self transformation tool: it aids in stabilizing and balancing emotions; it helps achieve mental clarity; it relieves tension, stress and depression as it creates a sense of happiness and peace; it helps develop a self confident and self aware personality; it also facilitates a spiritual awakening as it allows you to achieve the highest form of consciousness and to be one with the universal self.
It is very important to attempt Kundalini yoga under the guidance of a trained professional; when done incorrectly the results can be just as damaging, resulting in mood swings, depression and even psychosis.

Importance of Kundalini Yoga Poses

Yogis claim that Kundalini energy is far superior to all others. Which is why, the state of Samadhi attained thereby is considered most perfect. The degree to which the unveiling of this consciousness is effected, depends upon the meditative power, of the sadhaka and the extent of one’s detachment from the world.The union thus achieved is claimed to be more complete than that enacted through other methods. Even though body-consciousness can be lost through many other techniques, in Kundalini Yoga not only is the body, even the mind is united at the Sahasrara Chakra, in so far as it is represented by its central power. This is also called Spiritual awakening. Although it is a mystical experience, it is not vague or ambiguous. All spiritual teachings point to some very specific realities.
The relevance can be seen in our instinctive responses to life. For example, when we’re feeling good or high, or downcast or low, our expressions reflect these feelings. Spiritual awakening simply implies conscious raising of energy in ourselves. How true, that every time we feel great, we feel vibrant. That is energy rising in us? Counter wise when we’re feeling low. These reactions are external manifestations of inner feelings and experiences, basis our make-up. What yoga does is specify and elaborate on these truths by explaining how outer experiences of joy or sadness are caused by energy movement and how we can influence our feelings by controlling and chanelizing our energies in the right directions.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is accomplished through a blend of Prana (cosmic energy) with Apana (eliminating energy). The route is the cerebrospinal conduit (and its neuro-endocrinal outward radiance to every cell). Progress involves moving the body from its energetic dimension conveyed by the upward movement of Prana. In so doing, the volitional will and the mind remain meditatively spellbound. This stimulates Kundalini energy to rise.
The fundamental practices for activation of Kundalini Shakti are as follows:
  • Purification of the body with the aid of Neti, Dhauti, Basti and Asanas.
  • Practice of eight kinds of Pranayamas.
  • Practice of necessary Bandhas and Mudras.
  • Practice of Meditation
The asanas of Kundalini Yoga similar to those of Hatha Yoga, the only difference being that Hatha Yogic postures are retained for a while. However, for Kundalini Yoga, the poses are a little dynamic breathing and flexing the spine to let the Kundalini life force circulate unimpeded throughout the body. In the process it energizes the subtle and invisible charkas of the astral body, as well. In addition, Kundalini Yoga employs visualization, projection and focused attention. If done correctly, in the right spirit and with the right intention and attitude, these practices are bound to produce the desired results.
But since the rise of Kundalini Shakti depends on Nadi purification, it is imperative to follow all the Yamas and Niyamas as well. Because these Nadis are subtle and require not just physical kriyas but also moral and ethical practices for their purification.
Many ignorant people nowadays, tend to believe they have attained purity and make major mistakes in Sadhana. These unfortunates tend to select exercises of their choice, practice irregularly manner and abandon it all the moment they start experiencing the ill-effects. Beware, Kundalini Yoga is not child's play and not to be started and stopped at one's whim. The repercussions are far too serious and long lasting than one can even imagine. Hence a word of caution: always seek the guidance of a genuine experienced Master before commencing Kundalini Yoga practices.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How To Make A Protective Shield Against Negative Energies

Visualize that you are in a ball of white energy which protects you from the negative influences. Visualize that this shield only allows the thoughts and energy of love, peace and other positivity to enter it. Then make this ball as large as you feel comfortable.
If you want your own protection, a small energy ball will do the work, however if you want your home to be protected, you should make this ball of energy bigger than your home. This protective shield is usually used by psychics to discourage negative entities or by people who astral project, so that their bodies would be safe while they are away. You can also protect yourself this way if you are surrounded by negative people or you think that someone uses your energy (this is usually the case when you feel drained after talking to someone).

How To Use Chi Energy To Manifest Desires

The same energy that pushes objects can be used (and is used) to manifest your desires. However it’s much easier to use chi to manifest desires than to push objects. You simply have to solely focus on your goal and have faith that it will manifest. You need to expect that this manifestation will materialize and be open to any inspiration or ideas. Once you get inspired to do something, do it at once as this may result in quicker manifestation of your desire.

How To Use Chi Energy

There are many names for chi energy. Some people call it life energy, cosmic, God or universal energy. It is the energy that gives us life because it fuels every single process in our bodies.
If you do not meditate and are not that involved spiritually, it is likely that you are not aware of this energy and how it operates inside you. However when you advance spiritually you can feel the movements of this life giving energy.

How To Direct Chi Energy
When you become aware of the movements of the chi energy in some particular area of your body (read about that further on in the article), you should just focus on that area and then in your mind’s eye imagine the energy going into some other area. The energy will go where you direct it to go.
So you should see this energy focused in the area where you sense it to be, and then see it flowing to another area. You can imagine this process as though a semi-transparent white current is flowing into some area in your body, or you can direct this invisible energy into some part of your body without seeing any current. It does not make any difference how you visualize, your intention itself does the trick.

How To Use Chi Energy To Push Objects
You will not be able to push objects with chi at once. You will need to learn to concentrate your chi energy and direct it into the objects which may take a long time. You can push the objects using chi with your intention. There shouldn’t be any stray thoughts in your mind except that of your intention to push the object. You should be completely focused on the object and direct your energy to the object until it moves. When it starts moving, direct its movement with your mind.

What is Chi energy ? (Life force energy)

Chi: The Life Force

However one conceives the Taoist concept of chi, there is general agreement about what it does: Chi animates matter, infusing it with life. As a result, it is often described as the "life force." It not only permeates the empty spaces between material objects in Taoism, it is part of their composition.
In people and animals, for example, chi is responsible for the functioning of the organs, including the cardio-­respiratory system. This life force circulates throughout the body with the blood so that it can provide its own particular form of nutrition to the myriad cells.
Every living organism has some way to assimilate chi. Human beings, animals, and plants alike ingest chi along with the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the food they eat.
Once inside, chi moves to various locations and begins to perform its many functions. The most common of these functions are generally related to the proper functioning and continued operation of the body or plant.

Experiencing Chi: An Experiment

Most people are understandably skeptical about this energy called chi until they actually experience it for themselves. After all, in the West we have been well trained to deny even the possibility of such phenomena. While some people will never be able to sense the chi, many others do -- some on their first encounter with it.
Try this experiment with a partner, such as your child, spouse, or friend, to see if you are able to feel the chi. Both of you should either sit or stand approximately two arms-length away from each other.
Ask your partner to close his eyes and take a deep breath. Relax your shoulders and back muscles as completely as possible. Try to imagine an energy rising from the ground into your body.
When you think you can almost sense this imaginary force, ask your partner to extend an arm toward you until it is level with the floor. The palm of the hand should be facing downward.
Slowly raise your own arms and extend your fingers until they are within a few inches of your partner's outstretched hand. Using your mind, direct the imaginary energy -- what we call the chi. Move it further up through your body until it passes along your arms and out from your fingertips.
It's helpful to imagine a current of energy passing from your body into your partner's. Whether you think this is an imaginary force or not, some people feel the chi right away, even with their eyes closed.

How To Beat Stress......

Stress is the way our bodies and minds react to something which upsets our normal balance in life. An example of stress is the response we feel when we are frightened or threatened. During stressful events, our adrenal glands release adrenaline, a hormone which activates our body's defense mechanisms causing our hearts to pound, blood pressure to rise, muscles to tense, and the pupils of our eyes to dilate.

A principal indication of increased stress is an escalation in your pulse rate; however, a normal pulse rate doesn't necessarily mean you aren't stressed. Constant aches and pains, palpitations, anxiety, chronic fatigue, crying, over or under-eating, frequent infections, and a decrease in your sexual desire are signs you may notice which indicate you may be under stress. 

Increase your happiness and well-being with these top De-stressing tips.

Circuit breaker

Get your mind off the problem, it's not going anywhere, but you can. Take the dog for a mini walk. Revisit your funniest emails. Listen to your favorite song. Google a beach in Tahiti. Make your self a cup of herbal tea.

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that increases adrenaline in the body, the very hormone you are looking to reduce. Avoid coffee (decaf is OK), colas, guarana, chocolate, and more than 2 cups of tea daily.

Eat small meals often

Maintaining steady blood sugar levels is key to stabilizing mood. Ensure you have a small meal every 2-3 hours that contains protein. For example, a hard-boiled egg and lettuce, 10-12 almonds, a small can of tuna and brown rice.

Herbs for stress

Herbs that calm include passionflower, St. John's wort, kava, oats, damiana, chamomile. Those that reduce the effects of stress on the body include Licorice, Siberian ginseng, rhodiola and withania.


The more anxious you become, breathing becomes shallower and higher in the chest. Consciously lengthen your breath, breathing deeper into the belly. Count to three on the in-breath, and four on the out-breath.

Talk to yourself

Affirmations are positive, self-affirming messages to self. In the case of anxiety, calming and positive is required. Try "All will be well", or "I always cope, just breathe and relax".

Tell someone who cares

Phone your mum or a friend. Acknowledging you are finding a situation stressful, and being heard and understood by someone who cares for you, even if they can't physically help, will reduce stress levels.


The sense of smell bypasses the cognitive brain (the bit that does the worrying). Light some incense e.g. nag champa or sandalwood.  Burn some aromatherapy oils such as lavender or rose. Or just wear your favourite perfume or cologne.


In the moment you feel totally overwhelmed, gently place both palms side by side on your face, fingers gently resting on your closed eyelids. This cocoons and quietens the mind, until you feel more centred and ready to face the world again.

Seek help

If anxiety and stress has become a significant part your life, seek help from a psychologist or counselor, stress is their specialty. You don't have to do this on your own. It is not a sign of weakness to seek help.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Its easy to joke on a Sardar, but It's too difficult to be a Sardar"

Its easy to joke on a Sardar, but It's too difficult to be a Sardar"

I was standing at Amritsar Railway station when my attention went towards a Sikh youth standing near me wearing a Black turban having a long beard and wearing a kirpan over his shirt.

After a while, one local train arrived, which was totally packed. The Sikh youth tried to alight the train but failed to do so. Just then a voice was heard from the back coach 'Sardarji Barah Baj gaye' (Sir it's 12 o'clock!)

The Sikh youth looked over at that voice maker who was a young Mischievous type of person and instead of showing any anger made a smile towards him.

The smile made was so enigmatic that it seemed as if some type of truth lies behind it. Not able to resist my temptation, I walked towards him and asked why did he smile at that person who teased him.

The Sikh youth replied, 'He was not teasing me but was asking for my Help'. I was surprised with these words and he told me that there was a big history behind that which one should know. I was eager to know the History and the Sikh youth narrated:

During 17th Century, when Hindustan was ruled by Mughals, all the Hindu people were humiliated and were treated like animals. Mughals treated the Hindu women as there own property and were forcing all Hindus to accept Islam and even used to kill the people if they were refusing to accept.That time, our ninth Guru, Sri Guru Teg Bahadarji came forward, in response to a request of some Kashmir Pandits to fight against all these cruel activities.

Guruji told the Mughal emperor that if he could succeed in converting him to Islam, all the Hindus would accept the same. But, if he failed, he should stop all those activities. The Mughal emperor happily agreed to that but even after lots of torture to Guruji and his fellow members he failed to convert him to Islam and Guruji along with his other four fellow members, were tortured and sacrificed their lives in Chandni Chowk. Since the Mughals were unable to convert them to Islam they were assassinated.

Thus Guruji sacrificed his life for the protection of Hindu religion.

Can anybody lay down his life and that too for the protection of another religion?
This is the reason he is still remembered as "Hind Ki Chaddar", shield of India. For the sake of whom he had sacrificed his life, none of them came forward to lift his body, fearing that they would also be assassinated.

Seeing this incident our 10th Guruji, Sri Guru Gobind Singhji (Son of Guru Teg Bahadarji) founder of khalsa made a resolution that he would convert his followers to such human beings who would not be able to hide themselves and could be easily located in thousands. At the start, the Sikhs were very few in numbers as they were fighting against the Mughal emperors. At that time, Nadir Shah raided Delhi in the year 1739 and looted Hindustan and was carrying lot of Hindustan treasures and nearly 2200 Hindu women along with him. The news spread like a fire and was heard by Sardar Jassa Singh who was the Commander of the Sikh army at that time. He decided to attack Nadir Shah's Kafila on the same midnight. He did so and rescued all the Hindu women and they were safely sent to their homes.

It didn't happen only once but thereafter whenever any Abdaalis or Iranis had attacked and looted Hindustan and were trying to carry the treasures and Hindu women along with them for selling them in Abdal markets, the Sikh army although fewer in numbers but were brave hearted and attacked them at midnight, 12 O'clock and rescued women.

After that time when there occurred a similar incidence, people started to contact the Sikh army for their help and Sikhs used to attack the raider's at Midnight, 12 O'clock. Nowadays, these "smart people" and some Sikh enemies who are afraid of Sikhs, have spread these words that at 12 O'clock, the Sikhs go out of their senses. This historic fact was the reason which made me smile over that person as I thought that his Mother or Sister would be in trouble and wants my help and was reminding me by saying off 'Sardarji Barah Baj Gaye'.

do forward this message to all ur friends so they can know about sikh history & its a humble appeal... sikh DHARAM WARGA KOI DHARAM NAHI TE NAHI HONA AA..

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chanakya Karm Vichar Gyan

यदि कर्म का फल तुरन्त नहीं मिलता तो इससे यह नहीं समझ लेना चाहिए कि उसके भले-बुरे परिणाम से हम सदा के लिए बच गयें । कर्म-फल एक ऐसा अमिट तथ्य है जो आज नहीं तो कल भुगतना अवश्य ही पड़ेगा । कभी-कभी इन परिणामों में देर इसलिये होती है कि ईश्वर मानवीय बुद्धि की परीक्षा करना चाहता है कि व्यक्ति अपने कर्तव्य-धर्म समझ सकने और निष्ठापूर्वक पालन करने लायक विवेक बुद्धि संचित कर सका या नहीं । जो दण्ड भय से डरे बिना दुष्कर्मों से बचना मनुष्यता का गौरव समझता है और सदा सत्कर्मों तक ही सीमित रहता है, समझना चाहिए कि उसने सज्जनता की परीक्षा पास कर ली और पशुता से देवत्व की और बढऩे का शुभारम्भ कर दिया ।

लाठी के बल पर जानवरों को इस या उस रास्ते पर चलाया जाता है और अगर ईश्वर भी बलपूर्वक अमुक मार्ग पर चलने के लिए विवश करता तो फिर मनुष्य भी पशुओं की श्रेणी में आता, इससे उसकी स्वतंत्र आत्म-चेतना विकसित हुई या नहीं इसका पता ही नहीं चलता । भगवान ने मनुष्य को भले या बुरे कर्म करने की स्वतंत्रता इसीलिए प्रदान की है कि वह अपने विवेक को विकसित करके भले-बुरे का अन्तर करना सीखे और दुष्परिणामों के शोक-संतापों से बचने एवं सत्परिणामों का आनन्द लेने के लिए स्वत: अपना पथ निर्माण कर सकने में समर्थ हो । अतएव परमेश्वर के लिए यह उचित ही था कि मनुष्य को अपना सबसे बड़ा बुद्धिमान और सबसे जिम्मेदार बेटा समझकर उसे कर्म करने की स्वतंत्रता प्रदान करे और यह देखे कि वह मनुष्यता का उत्तरदायित्व सम्भाल सकने मे समर्थ है या नहीं ? परीक्षा के बिना वास्तविकता का पता भी कैसे चलता और उसे अपनी इस सर्वश्रेष्ठ रचना मनुष्य में कितने श्रम की सार्थकता हुई यह कैसे अनुभव होता । आज नहीं तो कल उसकी व्यवस्था के अनुसार कर्मफल मिलकर ही रहेगा । देर हो सकती है अन्धेर नहीं । ईश्वरीय कठोर व्यवस्था, उचित न्याय और उचित कर्म-फल के आधार पर ही बनी हुई है सो तुरन्त न सही कुछ देर बाद अपने कर्मों का फल भोगने के लिए हर किसी को तैयार रहना चाहिए ।

Chanakya story in hindi

एक दिन चाणक्य का एक परिचित उनके पास आया और उत्साह से कहने लगा, ‘आप जानते हैं, अभी-अभी मैंने आपके मित्र के बारे में क्या सुना?’
चाणक्य अपनी तर्क-शक्ति, ज्ञान और व्यवहार-कुशलता के लिए विख्यात थे। उन्होंने अपने परिचित से कहा, ‘आपकी बात मैं सुनूं, इसके पहले मैं चाहूंगा कि आप त्रिगुण परीक्षण से गुजरें।’
उस परिचित ने पूछा, ‘ यह त्रिगुण परीक्षण क्या है?’ चाणक्य ने समझाया , ‘ आप मुझे मेरे मित्र के बारे में बताएं, इससे पहले अच्छा यह होगा कि जो कहें, उसे थोड़ा परख लें, थोड़ा छान लें। इसीलिए मैं इस प्रक्रिया को त्रिगुण परीक्षण कहता हूं। इसकी पहली कसौटी है सत्य। इस कसौटी के अनुसार जानना जरूरी है कि जो आप कहने वाले हैं, वह सत्य है। आप खुद उसके बारे में अच्छी तरह जानते हैं?’
‘नहीं,’ वह आदमी बोला, ‘वास्तव में मैंने इसे कहीं सुना था। खुद देखा या अनुभव नहीं किया था।’
‘ठीक है,’ – चाणक्य ने कहा, ‘आपको पता नहीं है कि यह बात सत्य है या असत्य। दूसरी कसौटी है -’ अच्छाई। क्या आप मुझे मेरे मित्र की कोई अच्छाई बताने वाले हैं?’
‘नहीं,’ उस व्यक्ति ने कहा। इस पर चाणक्य बोले,’ जो आप कहने वाले हैं, वह न तो सत्य है, न ही अच्छा। चलिए, तीसरा परीक्षण कर ही डालते हैं ।’
‘तीसरी कसौटी है – उपयोगिता। जो आप कहने वाले हैं, वह क्या मेरे लिए उपयोगी है?’ ‘नहीं, ऐसा तो नहीं है।’ सुनकर चाणक्य ने आखिरी बात कह दी।’ आप मुझे जो बताने वाले हैं, वह न सत्य है, न अच्छा और न ही उपयोगी, फिर आप मुझे बताना क्यों चाहते हैं?’

Chanakya Vichar

चाणक्य कहते है कि जो व्यक्ति अच्छा मित्र नहीं है उस पर तो विश्वास नहीं करना चाहिए, परंतु इसके साथ ही अच्छे मित्र के संबंद में भी पूरा विश्वास नहीं करना चाहिए, क्योंकि यदि वह नाराज हो गया तो आपके सारे भेद खोल सकता है। अत: सावधानी अत्यंत आवश्यक है।

चाणक्य का मानना है कि व्यक्ति को कभी अपने मन का भेद नहीं खोलना चाहिए। उसे जो भी कार्य करना है, उसे अपने मन में रखे और पूरी तन्मयता के साथ समय आने पर उसे पूरा करना चाहिए।

Chanakya Niti (इन बातो को बार बार गौर करे )

इन बातो को बार बार गौर करे…
सही समय
सही मित्र
सही ठिकाना
पैसे कमाने के सही साधन
पैसे खर्चा करने के सही तरीके
आपके उर्जा स्रोत.
आत्याधिक सुन्दरता के कारन सीताहरण हुआ,
अत्यंत घमंड के कारन रावन का अंत हुआ,
अत्यधिक दान देने के कारन रजा बाली को बंधन में बंधना पड़ा,
अतः सर्वत्र अति को त्यागना चाहिए.

Chanakya Niti (Aise Sathan ko chod dena Chahiye )

Aise Sathan ko chod dena Chahiye 


उस देश मे निवास न करे जहा आपकी कोई इजजत नहीं, जहा आप रोजगार नहीं कमा सकते, जहा आपके कोई मित्र नहीं और जहा आप कोई ज्ञान आर्जित नहीं कर सकते।।

वहा एक दिन भी ना रके जहा ये पाच ना हो.
धनवान व्यक्ति ,
विदान व्यक्ति जो शास्त्रों को जानता हो,
और चिकित्सक .
बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति ऐसे देश कभी ना जाए जहा …
रोजगार कमाने का कोई माधयम ना हो.
जहा लोग किसी से डरते न हो.
जहा लोगो को किसी बात की लज्जा न हो.
जहा लोगो के पास बुद्धिमत्ता न हो.
जहा के लोगो की वृत्ति दान धरम करने की ना हो.


Benefits of Meditation for Stress Management

Throughout the day, when we experience stress, our bodies automatically react in ways that prepare us to fight or run. In some cases of extreme danger, this physical response is helpful. However, a prolonged state of such agitation can cause physical damage to every part of the body. Meditation affects the body in exactly the opposite ways that stress does, restoring the body to a calm state, helping the body to repair itself, and preventing new damage due to the physical effects of stress.

Meditation has many benefits that can support your health and wellness.

The Benefits of Meditation:

The benefits of meditation are manifold because it can reverse your stress response, thereby shielding you from the effects of chronic stress. When practicing meditation, your heart rate and breathing slow down, your blood pressure normalizes, you use oxygen more efficiently, and you sweat less. Your adrenal glands produce less cortisol, your mind ages at a slower rate, and your immune function improves. Your mind also clears and your creativity increases. People who meditate regularly find it easier to give up life-damaging habits like smoking, drinking and drugs. Meditation research is still new, but promising.

How Meditation Works:

Meditation involves sitting in a relaxed position and clearing your mind. You may focus on a sound, like "ooommm," or on your own breathing, or on nothing at all. It’s necessary to have at least 5 to 20 distraction-free minutes to spend. (Longer meditation sessions bring greater benefits, but sometimes starting slowly can help you maintain the practice long-term.) It’s helpful to have silence and privacy, but more practiced meditators can practice medtation anywhere. Many practitioners of meditation attach a spiritual component to it, but it can also be a secular exercise.

Pros Of Meditation:

Meditation is wonderful in that it’s free, always available, and amazingly effective in short-term stress reduction and long-term health. Benefits can be felt in just one session. An experienced teacher can be helpful, but isn't absolutely necessary; you can learn many effective meditation techniques from a book or from the meditation resources on this site.

The Cons of Meditation:

It does take some practice, however, and some people find it difficult to "get it" in the beginning. It also requires a little patience, and may be difficult for people with little free time (like some stay-at-home mothers who get little privacy from small children). However, the time and effort it takes to learn and practice is well worth it in terms of the benefits it provides.

How meditation reduces your anxiety

When it comes to anxiety, many people instinctively turn to medications seeking relief. Although these are ways to deal with anxiety, they are not the best. While some fully believe that medications are helpful and beneficial, most all agree that overuse of prescriptions can cause more harm than good.

Meditation is a more natural, effective way to combat anxiety. Freeing the mind can make our bodies and minds let go of the sensation of danger and stress, and convince them that we are safe and at rest. It is important to convince ourselves that we are safe when we suffer anxiety because, often, anxiety is our overreaction to stress, or the memory or anticipation of some dangerous or stressful situation.

When our minds remember or anticipate stress, they release hormones that cause our chests to tighten, our stomachs to get the butterfly-sensation, and our heart rates to increase. In other words, anxiety is a habitual response to being too overworked, tired, and even to having a poor diet. To overcome anxiety we have to teach our bodies to relax by bringing our minds to the present, and by taking ourselves to a safe, serene mental state.

How meditation cures stress naturally.

It is impossible to deny that in western culture, our dependence on medical science to deal with our health issues is strong. But in other cultures, particularly older cultures in the east, the benefits of meditation as a natural cure for many ailments is well known. It makes sense, then, that we in the west begin to understand the phenomenal natural cures meditation offers.

While there are dozens of types of meditation, the focus on the immediate moment and on the breathing as part of the discipline is universal. The first natural cure benefit that meditation can provide is by allowing your mind to calm and look away from your medical problem, the stress and worry aspect of illness is reduced. Stress and worry are notorious for lowering the body’s ability to fight off illness. By taking anxiety out of the picture, a natural cure is provided to the body.

The reason meditation heals lies in the breath. During meditation, deep breathing is essential. The increased oxygen to the blood stream from meditative deep breathing speeds healing to the lungs, the stomach and the vital organs.

As the patient goes through his or her meditation session, the constant breathing slows the heart and the metabolism. Often palpitations and anxiety related symptoms disappear immediately. The relaxed physical state of the patient then serves as a natural cure to allow the body to begin to recover and to grow more healthy.

Meditation never needs a prescription and you never have to “ask your doctor first”. You may be surprised how delighted your doctor will be that you are open to meditation, and because meditation increases your natural happiness and boosts optimism, it will make you happier and healthier. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We can't Help everyone....

Old rickshaw puller

In 1987, a 74-year old rickshaw puller by the name of Bai Fangli came back to his hometown planning to retire from his backbreaking job. There, he saw children working in the fields, because they were too poor to afford school fees.

Bai returned to Tianjin and went back to work as a rickshaw puller, taking a modest accommodation next to the railway station. He waited for clients 24 hours a day, ate simple food and wore discarded second-hand clothes he found. He gave all of his hard-earned earnings to support children who could not afford education.

In 2001, he drove his rickshaw to Tianjin YaoHua Middle School, to deliver his last installment of money. Nearly 90 years old, he told the students that he couldn't work any more. All of the students and teachers were moved to tears.

In total, Bai had donated a total of 350,000 yuan to help more than 300 poor students continue with their studies. In 2005, Bai passed away leaving behind an inspiring legacy.

If a rickshaw-puller who wore used clothes and had no education can support 300 children to go to school, imagine what you and I can do with the resources we have to bring about positive change in our world!


SHIV dharti pe avatar isliye nai lete

SHIV dharti pe avatar isliye
nai lete.......kyun ki prithvi mrityu lok hai..........yh n avatar lene ke liye.......garb
h se janm lena pdta
hai.......aur jo garbh se janm
leta hai........uska antt to nishchitt hai........chah e wo swayam NARAYAN hi kyu
na hon........leki n SHIV kisi bhi roop ya avastha me
apna shareer nai tyaag
skte.......kyun ki agr wo apna shareer tyaag
denge........to iss srishti ka vinaash hona aarambh ho
jayega......... iska ek kaaran ye bhi
hai........ki RUDRA bhagwan
harr kalp me(yug me) 11
avatar lete hain.........au r wo 11 ke 11 swayam hi
(khud hi) me RUDRA hote
hain.......wo na janm lete
hain.........na unki mrityu hoti hai.........wo SHIV se
prakat hokar.........u nhi me mill jate hain....... SHIV ne kewal ek baar
garbh se janm lia.........HAN
UMAN ji ke roop me jo treta
yug me unka 11va RUDRA
avatar the..........wo apna shareer nhi tyaag skte
the........isli ye Shri RAM aur Mata SITA ne unhe leela
vash ajar amar rhne ka
vardaan dia.........taa ki HANUMAN ji unke saath
jaane ka hatth na
karein........k yuki agr aisa vardaan na mila hota.......to
me apna shareer chhod
dete........aur srishti ka vinaash shuru ho
jaata.........i sliye vardaan waali leela zaroori thi ab aap soch rhe
honge........ki baaki RUDRON ki trah HANUMAN
ji bhi to seedha SHIV me
sama skte the na.........nhi.
.......kyunki garbh se janm
lene waala shareer tyaage
bina PARAMAATMA me nai sama skta......... kaha jaata hai ki HANUMAN
ji aaj bhi isi prithvi pe
hain.........je evit.........au r aaj bhi Shri RAM ki pooja
krte hain......... ek sumsaan jgh pe......jhn
barso se koi nai aata
jaata........ji nke aas paas bhi pakshi tk nai.......to insaan
ka hona to naa mumkin
hai...........w hn kbhi koi galati se phncha aur usne
paaya ki whn ek andheri
kothri me Shri RAM ki
murati hai.........whn saaf safai thi...........k othri ka kachra bahr pda hua
tha..........au r andar murati ke charan kamlo me whin
paas me uge taaza phool
chadhe the.......... ye baat sach hai ya jhuth
mai nai jaanta.......ba s maine suna tha khin
aisa......... aisi hi ek stry amar lekin
shrapit Dronacharya putra
Ashvatthaama ki bhi
hai.........jo PARAM SHIV
bhakt hai........same stry hai uski bhi.........bas Shri RAM ki jgh SHIVLING pe jal, bel-
patra aur taaze phool
chadhe paaye gaye the....

Friday, September 6, 2013

कितना अच्छा होता

कितना अच्छा होता अगर हर दिन के पुरा होने पर जिंदगी पूछती… Save changes?? Yes/No

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy Teachers Day...

गुरु गोविन्द दोऊ खड़े काको लागूं पायं।
बलिहारी गुरु आपने जिन गोविन्द दियो बताय।।

देश के सभी शिक्षकों को आभार। _/\_

Positive Thinking Made Easy

Having negative thoughts play out like a movie can only bring you pain, something that I’ve experienced many times throughout my life.

Negative thoughts drain you of energy and keep you from being in the present moment. The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become. I like the imagery of a small ball rolling along the ground, and as it rolls, it becomes bigger and faster.

Reduce stress by eliminating negative self-talk

Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. Practice overcoming negative self-talk with examples provided.

Meditate or do yoga.

One of the first things I did was head to a yoga class. It took my focus away from my thoughts and brought my attention to my breath. Yoga is also very relaxing which helped ease my mind. Yoga helped me stay present to my experience so instead of jumping to what could happen, it brought me back to the now—the only moment, the most important moment.

2. Smile.

I didn’t do much of this during the weekend so I literally had to bring myself in front of a mirror and force myself to smile. It really does help change your mood and relieve stress. I also felt lighter because it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown.

3. Surround yourself with positive people.

I called a friend who I knew could give me constructive, yet loving feedback. When you’re stuck in a negative spiral, talk to people who can put things into perspective and won’t feed your negative thinking.

4. Change the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive.

For example, instead of thinking We are going to have a hard time adjusting to our living situation, replace that with We will face some challenges in our living situation, but we will come up with solutions that we will both be happy with.

5. Don’t play the victim. You create your life—take responsibility.

The way I was thinking and acting, you would think I was stuck. Even if our living situation becomes unbearable, there is always a way out. I will always have the choice to make change happen, if need be.

6. Help someone.

Take the focus away from you and do something nice for another person. I decided to make a tray of food and donate it to the Salvation Army. It took my mind off of things and I felt better for helping someone else.

7. Remember that no one is perfect and let yourself move forward.

It’s easy to dwell on your mistakes. I felt terrible that I acted this way and that I wasted our weekend. The only thing I can do now is learn from my mistakes and move forward. I definitely don’t want to have a weekend like that again.

8. Sing.

I don’t remember lyrics very well and it’s probably the reason that I don’t enjoy singing, but every time I do sing I always feel better . When we sing, we show our feelings and this provides an amazing stress relief.

9. List five things that you are grateful for right now.

Being grateful helps appreciate what you already have. Here’s my list: My cats, health, a six-week trip to Asia, a new yoga class that I’ll be teaching, and for my mom’s biopsy coming out clean.

World's Easiest Way to Get Rid of Stress

 If you're a human mammal, however, stress comes from something more insidious than a toothy predator: anxiety triggered by the passive-aggressive boss, the 30-year mortgage, and the job of caring for children as well as the ill parent.

Stress nags your pretty head at work and you wonder if yoga would help. Sure it would - practice yoga regularly, get the yoga mat, clear your head, find a noiseless corner, don't be in a full stomach… Blah blah blah boink! Reading this stressed you out? Worry not, here's a quick and easy stress-busting plan:

Relive what's good. When a friend asks you how you're doing, resist the temptation to download that awful commute; instead, try to recall something pleasant, like the great deal you just scored on a new dress. Recounting stressful events actually makes us—and our bodies—stressed. "When you share a positive memory instead, that can put the brakes on those damaging effects

Toying around
Why not keep a toy in your desk drawer? We aren't asking you to hoard teddy bears. A toy car, a yo-yo or a Rubik's cube can lower stress levels in a minute or two. You could also keep some crayons handy and doodle or draw when you are stressed.

Hugs help
Hugs can get you up. Don't worry too much about asking your colleague for a hug. Just make sure you are close enough to the colleague. Do not try this with your boss. Invite a friend over for lunch and greet her with a tight hug.

Savor the moment
Ever watch a child playing? They relish every bit of joy, completely losing themselves in the now. But as adults, we lose this ability. That pure, raw enjoyment.

Laughter therapy
Take a break with some colleagues and have a session of jokes. Laugh heartily and bid adieu to your worries.You can read jokes on the internet. Bookmark the pages so that you can go back to them when you need a dose of laughter again.

Secrets of Lasting Happiness

Positive Mental Attitudes

If you have given up hope of ever being happy, cheer up. Never lose hope. Your soul, being a reflection of the ever joyous Spirit, is, in essence, happiness itself.  

Happiness depends to some extent upon external conditions, but chiefly upon mental attitudes.

Essentially, conditions are neither good nor bad; they are always neutral, seeming to be either depressing or encouraging because of the sad or bright attitude of the mind of the individual concerned with them.

Change your thoughts if you wish to change your circumstances. Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them. You will want to change them when you realize that each thought creates according to its own nature. Remember that the law works at all times and that you are always demonstrating according to the kind of thoughts you habitually entertain. Therefore, start now to think only those thoughts that will bring you health and happiness.

The mind, being the brain, feeling, and perception of all living cells, can keep the human body alert or depressed. The mind is the king, and all its cellular subjects behave exactly according to the mood of their royal master. Just as we concern ourselves with the nutritive value of our daily food menus, so should we consider the nutritive potency of the psychological menus that we daily serve the mind.

The Purpose of Life



Many people may doubt that finding God is the purpose of life; but everyone can accept the idea that the purpose of life is to find happiness. I say that God is Happiness. He is Bliss. He is Love. He is Joy that will never go away from your soul. So why shouldn’t you try to acquire that Happiness? No one else can give it to you. You must continuously cultivate it yourself.




Calming Meditation Techniques



Meditation is a great way to relax and quiet your mind. It can even have beneficial psychological and physical effects.

Meditation is a great stress reducer that can calm you and bring relaxation. Calming meditation can help you sleep better, focus better at work and remain calm throughout the day. You can use meditation to start your day, midday, to end your day or all of the above.

Mantra meditation

The mantra meditation technique is a great calming meditation method. During mantra meditation, you mentally (silently) repeat a calming word, or mantra. The repetition of the mantra will replace all busy thoughts and help you shut out the outside world, thus calming your mind and body.

Repeat your mantra slowly and steadily, concentrating on its sound as fully as you can. Repeat it in unison with the natural rhythm of your breath. Either split it so you repeat half the mantra when you inhale and the other half when you exhale, or repeat it on both the inhalation and the exhalation.  

As thoughts arise, simply return to the mantra, knowing this is a natural part of the process. Gently bring your attention back again and again, experiencing the internal sound as fully as possible. 

Continue for the period of time you set aside for meditation. Come out of the meditation by taking a few deep breaths and then sitting quietly to see what you feel. You may feel calm and centered. Or you may be flooded with old thoughts and feelings from your subconscious, which might be uncomfortable.
Regardless of your immediate reaction, take comfort in knowing that regular practice has immense benefits: It enables you to experience the present moment more fully and to make conscious choices instead of falling into habitual reactions.


The Role of a Guru

The Guru Gita (verse 17) aptly describes the guru as “dispeller of darkness” (from gu, “darkness” and ru, “that which dispels”). A true, God-illumined guru is one who, in his attainment of self-mastery, has realized his identity with the omnipresent Spirit. Such a one is uniquely qualified to lead the seeker on his or her inward journey toward perfection.
“The blind cannot lead the blind,” said Paramahansaji. “Only a master, one who knows God, may rightly teach others about Him. To regain one’s divinity one must have such a master or guru. He who faithfully follows a true guru becomes like him, for the guru helps to elevate the disciple to his own level of realization.”
The guru-disciple relationship is the highest expression of friendship, for it is based on unconditional divine love and wisdom. It is the loftiest and most sacred of all relationships. Christ and his disciples were all one in spirit, as are my master [Swami Sri Yukteswar] and I and those who are in tune with me, because of the common bond of God’s divine love....One who partakes of this relationship is on the way to wisdom and freedom.

How to Calm Down

Anger is the root cause of all the problems in a relationship. It is anger that leads to the breaking down of so many relations.

Absence of wrath is the quickest way to peace of mind. Anger is caused by the obstruction of one’s desires....One who does not expect anything from others but who looks to God for all fulfillment cannot feel wrath toward his fellow men or disappointment in them. A sage is content in the knowledge that the Lord is running the universe....He is free from rage, animosity, and resentment.

Anger defeats the very purpose for which it is aroused. Anger is not an antidote for anger. A strong wrath may cause another to suppress his weaker wrath, but it will never kill that weaker wrath. When you are angry, say nothing. Knowing it is a disease, like the coming of a cold, break it up by mental warm baths consisting of thinking of those with whom you can never be angry, no matter how they behave. If your emotion is too violent, take a cold shower, or put a piece of ice on the medulla oblongata and the temples just above the ears, and on the forehead, especially between the eyebrows, and on the top of the head. Anger gives birth to jealousy, hatred, spite, revenge fulness, destructive instinct, wild ideas, brain paralysis, and temporary insanity — any of which may lead to terrible crimes.

Steps to Follow

1. Close eyes and take five deep breaths, in your mind count from one to ten.
2. Music therapy works well and is healing too.
3. Go for a long walk to a quiet place. This will change  mind and you will get comfortable in talking about    your  problems.