Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What is Psi Ball Energy Shield

Psi Ball Energy Shield



A psi ball also known as an energy ball, can be built to accomplish multiple goals. In this article we will cover how to make a psi ball to be used as an energy shield.
In your day to day life, you are constantly being bombarded with energies of various types. As you know, everything in the universe is composed of energy and energy never dies, it only transmutes (transforms) from one form to another.
When we talk about any form of kinesis, we are talking about manipulating energies to accomplish a specific goal. Telekinesis is manipulating energies to move an object without physically touching it. Electrokinesis is manipulating energy to control electricity which is yet another form of energy.
Of course all of this is happening on a structure level versus the level we experience in our waking every day world. But it is important to understand how everything works beneath what we see as our waking world around us.
When you understand the above, it is easy to understand how we are constantly being bombarded with energies. Energy by itself is neither good or bad, it is the intent behind the energy that determines whether it is considered positive or negative energy.
So what does all of this have to do with psi balls and energy shields? The energies that are surrounding us come from many sources. Some are part of the life energy every living thing on earth gives off, some come from the sun, the stars, the planets and the universe itself, and a large number of these energies come from the people around us and all through out the world.
While I and most everyone else would like to think that the vast majority of people in the world are constantly thinking nice, pleasant thoughts, in reality there is a lot of negative thinking going on inside the minds of a huge percentage of the population at any one time. This creates an environment where the energies that are swimming around us are a mixture of both positive and negative.
Think about how many people don't like the way you drive and send negative thoughts you way. If you job requires you deal with customers, you get an even bigger dose of the negative energies coming from the people that don't think you took care of the quickly enough and if you happen to be someone that is a little obnoxious, you get an even dose of it.
Of course, all of the energies out there are not directly aimed at you, but they can build up in your environment and have an affect on you. This can range from giving you a strange feeling, to making you antsy, all the way to actually making you ill.
An energy shield made from a psi ball can be used to protect you from the negative energies that surround us on a regular basis.

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