Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cosmic energy


Today we are coming up with some interesting topics of  Hindu Culture. Let's explore more on Cosmic energy.

Cosmic energy is moving particles in space. The energy of these particle is the summation of all the Energy exhausted from all the Galaxies and Stars systems, and Our sun included, in the Universe.

Every particle in this universe emits some energy. The energy from extra-terrestrial bodies (which lie out side of earth's field) is known as cosmic energy. Solar energy (energy that comes from Sun) is also a form of cosmic energy.

Where is the cosmic energy?

Cosmic energy is e=mc2. 

Cosmic Energy is the universal life energy existing throughout the Cosmos, essential for sustenance of all lives. Yogis and sages in ancient India discovered that this cosmic energy could be invoked and used for various purposes for overall good and prosperity. They found that the cosmic energy could be tapped and directed out of the body after invocation and used to achieve a desired result physically or psychically according to the thought pattern of the person invoking it. 

Cosmic energy, invoked in cosmic healing is a totality of three types of energies used in various proportions according to the need of the person and situation. 

The three types are:
  •  KUNDALINI energy from core of the EARTH acting through BASE chakra.
  •  PRANA from the SUN, which enters the body through SEX or SACRAL chakra
         below the umbilicus.
  •  Energy from the COSMOS entering the body through CROWN chakra.
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